About Our Maps
About Our Maps
Most of our historical map reproductions date back to the 18th and 19th century. We preserve the history of the maps through the use of high-quality digital scans of the originals. We reprint our maps in black ink on natural parchment and size each one for a standard 16 x 20 matte and frame. This allows the buyer to purchase a matte and frame of his choosing to create a work of art without the expense of a custom framer. We also hand-watercolor certain maps, giving them a unique look. The maps serve as wonderful gifts for the history enthusiast, for those who love their town and country, as a memento for a person who has moved away from home, as a housewarming gift from a realtor or a friend, and as a birthday or anniversary gift. Many couples will purchase maps of their respective hometowns to display together on a wall in their home. Our maps hang on the walls of many mayors and government officials throughout New England!